
Visit our resource center where you can download meditations, kriyas and videos or buy books and CDs.


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the kundalini yoga experien

Kundalini; Essence of Yoga by Guru Dharam and Darryl O'Keeffe

After demystifying the 7 chakras and the ten bodies that apparently all humans possess, this pair of Kundalini Yogis - with half a century of experience between them - then provide an interactive self assessment using a questionnaire format and your birthday numerology to devise a personal Kundalini yoga and meditation programme. This elegant concept has been executed with clarity, panache and a very attractive layout. Highly recommendable!
£12.99 or €19.63


Gong Namo: Guru Dharam

the gong vibrates Ong, the creative seed sound of the universe from which all things manifest.
This CD is a sonic bridge into the invisible worlds: the celestial realms of light.
Gong Namo * deep relaxation * meditation * healing *journeying * space clearing
1: gong journey - 12.14
2: the gong contains ong - 31.06


Kriya Aquarian age 11.11.11

Click here to download


Meditation for the Aquarian age

Click here to download

 the aquarian age

Guru Dharam about the Aquarian Age (video)

Click here to watch the video


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Guru Dharam in India (video)

Click here to watch the video