

KundaliniMedicine was founded in 2007 by Guru Dharam. KundaliniMedicine integrates the expanded consciousness of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation with empirically proven holistic systems of medicine.

KundaliniMedicine offers people and institutions who wish to excel

  • clinical facilities
  • training programmes
  • corporate consultancy

In changing times, the timeless expertise of the Indo -Tibetan yogis and the Chinese sages is available to us through their In einem Online Casino erhalten Sie einen Casino Bonus, den Sie unbedingt nutzen sollten. peerless understanding of the human biosystem and their perspectives on psychology; generating cycles of success, health, wealth, optimal performance and contentment.

KundaliniMedicine  offers you the potential for quantum healing, personally, professionally and spiritually.


The international School of Kundalini Yoga (iSKY) is the longest established Kundalini Yoga training in the UK (1996) and was amongst the first KRI certified Programs across the world.

iSKY is committed to spreading the safe practice and understanding of Yoga and recognise Yogi Bhajan as a modern master of Kundalini Yoga. iSKY seeks to create competent and confident practitioners and instructors of Kundalini Yoga through example, challenge and encouragement; and to inspire those teachers to enthuse a new generation of students through this age-old technology of personal transformation.

i-SKY has evolved from its formation in the U.K. in 1996 into a network of international schools of Kundalini Yoga. I-SKY now offers Kundalini Yoga Therapy training and a variety of related short courses in addition to training yoga teachers in the USA, the Middle East, South East Asia, and Scandinavia as well as the UK and Europe.
authors of ‘The Kundalini Yoga Experience’

DARRYL O'KEEFFE is a much travelled and practically minded spiritual teacher and healer with a down to earth approach and ready sense of humour. He originally trained as a Teacher at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London and taught all ages across the conventional subject spectrum before consciously choosing to follow a spiritual path, promoting spiritual healing across the world with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers (U.K.) and other respected institutions. He facilitated Sacred Tours to a variety of countries for a decade and has taught kundalini yoga since the mid 1980’s. Darryl is a founder member of the 3HO IKYTA Global Teachers Council and a Lead Teacher Trainer (Levels 1 & 2) in the Aquarian Trainer Academy (Kundalini Research Institute).

Instructor Training Program in Kundalini - Level 1 by Guru Dharam and Darryl O'Keeffe Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan ..
    KundaliniMedicine was founded in 2007 by Guru Dharam. KundaliniMedicine integrates the expanded ..
  International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Training Level 1 with Guru Dharam & faculty This international cou..
  Visit our resource center where you can download meditations, kriyas and videos or buy books and CDs.   ..