Director: Guru Dharam Singh Khalsa BAcC RCHM, MIAYT has taught Kundalini yoga since 1979 and been practising Oriental medicine since 1988. He served as the Vice Principal of the London Academy of Oriental Medicine, training students to practitioner level until 1997. His formal qualifications have been complemented by intensive post graduate inter-disciplinary study of the esoteric.

Guru Dharam founded the International School of Kundalini Yoga in the UK in 1996 (with Darryl O’Keeffe his co-author of ‘Kundalini the Essence of Yoga’), training people to become yoga teachers.
Since 1980 Guru Dharam has created a practical system of Yoga Therapy, developing the curriculum of this course to be a safe, effective, therapeutic complement to the mechanics of western medical practice.