Gerrilyn Smith blessed with Prem Amrit: Gerrilyn Smith is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Systemic Psychotherapist. She is Head of the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service for Looked After Children at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool. She has worked in a wide variety of professional contexts previously in London including the Institute of Psychiatry; Great Ormond Street; Institute of Family Therapy and Tavistock Clinic.
She has been working in the field of trauma since 1976 when she was a member of the London Rape Crisis Centre. She has done a number of public enquiries into the abuse of children within care. She has been involved in compensation claims for Irish Care survivors; North West Approved school survivors and numerous individuals abused in public care contexts including foster and adoptive families.
She has published a number of books and chapters including “Children’s Narratives of Traumatic experiences “in Narrative Therapies with Children & Their Families edited by Arlene Vetere & Emelia Dowling (2005). Palgrave Macmillan is to publish her new book “Systemic Perspectives on Trauma Across the Life Cycle” this year.
She has studied Kundalini Yoga with Guru Dharam Singh for 10 years including her teacher training and Kundalini Yoga Therapy Training.